Sunday, August 22, 2010


Ever been around someone who instantly just makes you feel depressed? Ever known someone whom when you see them coming, you want to hide under your desk or run into a closet? It isn't because you don't "like" them but because they possess such a negative energy & spirit that it is almost impossible to tolerate their presence at times. Even their silence is disturbing!

I purposely change my status updates on Facebook and Twitter to reflect my own personal positive thoughts & affirmations because I realize that you never know what someone else is dealing with or going through & its the smallest things that another person can say that could bring light into someone else's situation.

It's so important for me to surround my son and myself with positive people & positive energy. I realize more so now than I ever did, how other people's negative vibes and energy have a weird way of transferring into the spirit of others.

I surround myself with people who think positively and speak life into their situations; people who genuinely mean well by other people; people who can find the best even in the most difficult situations. Don't get me wrong, we all have our bad days every now and then... it's human nature. But we can't consume ourselves with negativity or dwell in our negative thoughts. There's a general rule that I make for myself which is that if I'm having a bad day or a bad week, I allow myself 5-10 minutes for a "pity party". This means that I get to cry, scream, complain or whatever it is that I feel (within reason) about whatever the issue may be. Once those 5-10 minutes are over, I release myself from the negative feelings and thoughts because it does me no good & serves no purpose to harbor them in my heart. I say a prayer, find the best resolution and/or accept & understand that sometimes there is no real resolution... there are some things that I'll never truly understand. But at the end of the day, I have the power to decide if the situation will get the best of me or if I will get the best of the situation.

A positive attitude goes a long way. Be good to yourself and others... spread the positive energy! Ain't nobody mad but the devil ;)

Monday, August 16, 2010

A Birthday Tribute

On this day, 35 years ago, even before my own existence, God blessed me with the best big sister that a girl could ever wish for. Growing up, I remember my sister always fighting for me and/or making sure that nobody messed with me because even though I got on her nerves, she still had my back. Then, that used to aggravate me because people thought that I couldn’t fight for myself. Now as an adult, I appreciate that she demonstrated such a need to protect me. And to this day, I know that come hell or high water if there is no one else on this earth that I can depend on, I can depend on my sister. We share a lot of the same special and wonderful memories including family cookouts with dozens of cousins, Grandma making us go to vacation Bible school every summer and 5 years of piano lessons with Ms. Harris, walking up the long dirt path at Rt. 1 Box 212 after school, and sitting on the curb at Lip’s house on New Bern Avenue with Sonia pointing at cars saying “that’s my blue car”, “that’s my red car” or looking in catalogs or as we called them “wish books” rubbing pictures of things saying slowly, “that’s mines”. Or Uncle Howard riding his motorcycle to Grandma’s house to bring us a jar of pickles (but really for my sister because she was his favorite and she was the one who loved pickles). We have funny remembrances that only we understand and know like “cat breath”, “Kimosabe killed the lone ranger” and “you think the grass is greener on the other side!” LOL. We can talk on the telephone 10xs a day or 2 hours a day about the same thing or nothing at all and it seems to never get boring or old. My secrets are safely whispered in my sister’s ears; it is a confidence that will never be broken. The bond that we share is much deeper than that which is visible to others on the surface. I’m so grateful & blessed to not only have a sister but to be able to call my sister, my friend. So thank you for being the Loddy to my Doddy, the Thelma to my Louise, and my #1 ride or die chic! I love you like a fat kid love cake 

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