Thursday, December 29, 2011

The Power of Words & Prayer

Something happened yesterday that gave me a greater understanding of the power of words. An old friend of mine called to catch up. Shortly into our conversation, she revealed that her teenage son was recently diagnosed with Leukemia. My heart immediately sank & tears began to fall from my eyes. Nevertheless, she was so upbeat & so much of her "normal" self even asking me not to cry; reassuring me that everything is going to be all right. She shared how recent this occurred & the series of events surrounding it all and hearing the story, anyone would realize that God is truly in the midst. Odd thing is she wasn't necessarily calling to inform me of her son's health status. However, she was calling because I had not blogged or sent out a "THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK" in a while. She shared with me how she looks forward to receiving those emails because its so inspiring & encouraging. She told me that I was gifted... from on high... and this made me cry even more (as I cry just in writing this). Writing for me has always been a therapeutic release. Even on Facebook & Twitter, I make a conscious effort to post positive status updates because I know that there is always someone out there who needs an encouraging word. And I believe my "THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK" is a word given to me from God to share with others. When I write, my prayer is for the Lord to use me. So many people have recently requested certain topics, inquired about when the next one is coming or like this person, told me how inspirational these writings are to their lives. As flattering as it is, I can't take the credit because I know that it is indeed a gift. I truly thank God for allowing me to be a vessel. In saying all of that, I think it's so important that we are mindful of our exchanges with people & how we use our words. The Bible says "Life & death is in the power of the tongue" Proverbs 18:21.

I also believe in the power of prayer. All too often, people come to us with heavy hearts and problems & we say, "girl, I'm gonna be praying for you" or "you are in my prayers". And while we have good intentions, we may actually forget to seriously pray for them. One of my best friends, Trasha, will stop what she's doing and say a prayer for you like nobody's business. And so will my line sister Chariss... Yesterday, I was so emotional from the call, I hung up with my friend without praying with her so I ask you all to pray with me as I pray for us all...

Mighty, Awesome, Amazing God
I humbly come to you with Thanksgiving & praise in my heart
Thanking you for this yet unpromised day
Thank you for the usage of my limbs, a beating heart, & blood flowing through my veins Jesus
I'm just so thankful that my name is not in the obituaries this morning Father
I thank you for the happy, healthy child you've given me
Thank you for being Jehovah Jireh, my provider -- food on the table, roof over our heads, clothes on our backs, & a job to go to every day
Thank you for surrounding us with positive energy, keeping us safe from hurt, harm & danger
Protecting us physically, emotionally, mentally & spiritually
Lord God I just thank you for simply being who you are & doing what ONLY you can do

Precious Savior I pray that you touch every heart aligned with mine in prayer
Bless each & every soul God
Help us to be encouraged & know that despite whatever the circumstances may be, we must have faith in knowing that you are in control of ALL things
God give us the strength & the wisdom to lead our children by example because not only do they hear what we say but most importantly they see what we do
Let us all be reminded to show kindness to one another in our daily interactions because we never know the struggles that someone else is facing

Restore those who are broken
Renew their spirits with unspeakable joy
Rejuvenate their souls from deep within that they may walk in confidence & peace
Resurrect the life that they are living so that they aren't living dead God because there are so many of us being held in spiritual captivity & emotional bondage Lord

Bless those who can't help themselves
Bless our children Jesus
Bless our economy that more people may have jobs & be able to provide for their families
Bless those out in the street who may not have a home to go to every night
Bless all of your children Father
Bless our President that he may continue to lead our nation with integrity & decency
Bless our Pastors that they may lead us in the proper ways of following you God

Father God I especially pray for my friend's son
I pray that you heal his body from Leukemia and any other ailments that plague him
Restore him to optimal health; better than even before God
Please allow him to enjoy his young life & to have the opportunity to grow into a man
And while he's in & out of the hospital, please keep his spirits high
May there always be a smile on his face & may he know you for himself Lord
Comfort & encourage his family; especially his mom & dad as they press through this difficult time

Gracious God please help us to all be better people
Help us to embrace the purpose that you have set for our lives & to never forget that our destiny is greatness
Although we may not always understand, help us to accept your perfect will

Lord God I thank you for your son Jesus...
I thank you for his life, his death, & his resurrection
Help us to LIVE as reflections of the one who DIED for us
We thank you for everything you've done, everything you're doing & we thank you in advance for the abundance of blessings to come
We pray to continue to be recipients of your love, grace, & mercy Father
These and all other blessings we ask in the MATCHLESS name of Jesus


Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas

Christmas is such a wonderful time of year. While there are some grinches, most people appear to be in the Christmas spirit. This time of year is somewhat difficult for me because 6 years ago, my Grandma was called home to be with the Lord. And while I understand that she couldn't live forever, selfishly, I just wish she was still here with me. Nevertheless, I enjoy spending time with my family & most especially watching Jayden open presents & play. A couple of years ago, I started a tradition of having a cake that says "Happy Birthday Jesus" and teaching Jayden about why we celebrate Christmas (the birth of Christ). We light candles on the cake and sing Happy Birthday to Jesus. While I am aware of the technicalities of the fact that December 25th is a man made date of celebration & not the actual date that Christ was born, it is universally celebrated as such. Next year, when Jayden is 5 & has a better understanding of things, he will pick some of his gently used toys to donate to kids in a shelter. Its so important that he is taught the true meaning of Christmas... that its not all about toys, Santa, and getting things but about giving, love, family and most importantly Christ. How would you like it if on your birthday, everyone got presents but you? How would you like it if on your birthday, a party was thrown in your honor but you didn't get invited? Let us all be reminded of who we are celebrating today.

"For unto us, a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government shall be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace." Isaiah 9:6

Merry Christmas & Happy Birthday Jesus!!!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is and has always been my favorite holiday. It's a time for family; a time to spend with the people we love most. What an incredible & delicious bonus that this day is spent feasting on a spread of fried turkey, baked turkey, ham, dressing, gravy, macaroni & cheese, collard greens, green bean casserole, candied yams, potato salad, deviled eggs, chicken pastry, sweet potato pie, banana pudding, german chocolate cake, and carrot cake (Yep, that's what we had LOL). As tasty as all that was, its the love & laughter that means the most.

There are so many things I am thankful for:
** life, health & strength
** having a relationship with God because if I didn't know the Lord, I'm not sure where I would be...
** my son Jayden who is very happy, healthy, & turns 4 years old next week :)
** Jesus because he thinks I'm "to die for"
** My Heavenly Father who gives me unconditional love
** brand new mercies every day
** my family who despite whatever issues we may have make me happy to be a Morgan & proud to have some of Cora Mae's blood running through my veins
** employment in a troubled economy -- roof over our heads, food on the table, clothes on our backs, cars to drive
** "The 77 Wonders" & all of my Sorors of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
** Body of Christ Church family
** true friends... you know who you are..
** the gifts that God has given me; the direction & instructions that He has given me to use those gifts
** discernment, deliverance, & forgiveness
** peace... Ain't nothing like it. (Philippians 4:7)
** love (1 Corinthians 13:4-8)
** poetry, REAL music, art, laughter, running barefoot in the country on a hot summer day, fried green tomatoes, Grandma's wisdom, priceless memories... all the simple & beautiful things in life

I could go on and on writing about the countless things & ways for which I am thankful. If I had 10,000 tongues it still wouldn't be enough to express the sincere gratitude and thanks that I hold in my heart. Let us all make sure that we do not wait until Thanksgiving to show our thanks ;)

"For every mountain YOU brought me over, for every trial YOU have seen me through, for every blessing -- hallelujah... for this Lord, I give YOU praise."


Tuesday, October 18, 2011


On September 24th, I participated in my first 5k race. 10 weeks prior, I joined NCRC - North Carolina Roadrunner's Club ( to prepare. These women are fantastic! The encouragement & support was beyond anything I could have anticipated. I've connected with & built lasting relationships as a result.

Although a former athlete, it had been a long while since I had actually run. Participating in aerobic classes, hitting the elliptical & treadmill at the gym and even running behind a very active 3 year old does not compare to running outside on a trail in 95 degree (or more) heat. The training was rough but I tried to make it to as many practice runs as possible.

Race day arrived... thankfully fall had also arrived & the heat was gone. It was actually a little chilly & rainy. In route, I started to skip out & go shopping instead. Even as I drove into the parking lot, I almost convinced myself to turn around because I hadn't yet paid or registered for the event. But then I remembered this run was for a great cause (against domestic violence) & thought about all the reasons I needed to be here and needed to support this cause. Not only that, I had made a committment to myself & needed to follow through.

I went inside, paid my registration fee, got my number, took pics with the group and when it was time to line up and run, I did :) Throughout the run, there were volunteers guiding us in the right direction, handing us water & saying, "great job ladies" or "just a little further to go" and "you can do it". It felt so good to hear those words. All the discouragement felt earlier in the morning had disappeared. I was energized and optimistic... felt like I could run any marathon; felt like I could accomplish anything. I couldn't see the finish line but knowing it was there gave me hope. I wasn't concerned about who was going to beat me, I was simply concerned about making it to the end.

Finally turning the last corner and seeing the big FINISH sign made me feel so very proud. Despite the initial fear & hesitation, despite the pains in my legs, despite the fact that there were others who passed me, and despite the rain, despite the gasping for breaths... I made it. Crossed the finish line at 39 minutes & 31 seconds. It was an overwhelming feeling of pride, happiness, hope and so many other beautiful emotions.

I say all that to say, this is what happens in life. We face many obstacles and challenges when we set goals for ourselves. Sometimes in reaching for those goals, we get discouraged. We want to give up. We want to cave in. It's so much easier to walk away than to keep going. Fear gets the best of us, the rain deters us but we have to remember that "The race is not given to the swift" Ecclesiastes 9:11. God is there with us along the way, handing us water so to speak, encouraging us just like the volunteers saying "you can do it", "great job", "don't give up".

We may not always finish first but indeed we are all winners. Let us not get so caught up in the competitive nature of the race that we forget why we are running. The most important thing is to finish... and to finish strong!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The Ultimate Band-Aid

My 3 year-old son's medicine cabinet has several boxes of band-aids... plain, colorful, small, large, circle, square and even some superheros. He asks for band-aids even when there's no tear on the skin, no blood shed, no nothing... if there's a "boo boo", a band-aid is requested and/or he asks, "Mommy, can you kiss it to make it better?"

It's amazing how parallel this is with how we are as adults. We are so quick to put a band-aid on our emotional pain. Some of us are putting band-aids on cuts that require stitches then wondering why our wounds aren't yet healed. When bleeding non-stop or internally, it generally means more specialized medical attention is required. On the other end of the spectrum, some of us simply ignore our pains because we think that if we don't acknowledge it, the pain is numbed or its somehow less real. And some of us pick and poke at a wound so much that we don't even give it time or allow it to heal.

I have a scar on my right wrist that everyone thinks is a birth mark but when I was 4 years old, I burned myself on a kerosene heater. I have a small slit/indention above my right eye from when I was about 6 years old, I ran into the door as my cousin slammed it shut causing the lock on the door knob to cut me. There's a cut mark on my right thumb from when I tried to use a sharp knife to open up some green slime out of one of those plastic bubble gum balls. And I can't even begin to mention all the tomboy scars on my legs from chicken fighting on the monkey bars, popping wheelies & doing tricks on dirt bikes, playing hood basketball or racing. I don't try to hide any of my scars because they give character... they tell a story & I actually learned something from them. I doubt I got close to that kerosene heater again and if I needed help opening slime, I learned to just ask someone for help. Hood basketball taught me how to be a better player but as for the popping wheelies & doing tricks on dirt bikes, I couldn't stop myself because the bigger the scar, the cooler it was especially for a girl. LOL

Our emotional pain also tells a story. We don't have to hide the scars but share them. Our testimony can help deliver other people but we first have to accept our own deliverance & truly move forward. When God delivers us from a situation, we shouldn't question it or look backwards but accept peace, continue in faith and embrace the journey. We may continue to acquire bruises & scars but what a blessing & assurance to know that God is a healer. Isaiah 53:4-5 says, "Surely he took up our pain and bore our suffering, yet we considered him punished by God, stricken by him, and afflicted. But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed."

Thank you Jesus for every pain, every bruise, every scar, every wound because as much as it hurt, it helped. Most importantly, thank you Jesus for deliverance, for healing, for kissing every boo boo and making it better & for simply being The Ultimate Band-Aid.

Monday, August 29, 2011

I Know I've Been Changed

In my best LaShun Pace singing voice… “IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Knoooowww I’ve Been Changed.”

Change is good, so they say. Perhaps whether it’s good or bad is situational. I believe that change has to come from within and one has to change for themselves and not for anyone else because that is the only way change will last. We go through many changes in our lives because of course as we grow, we change. Our experiences change our lives one way or the other. They shape us into becoming who we are & give us reasons for why we do the things that we do; why we respond to certain things in the manner in which we respond.

I remember after having my son or actually even during my pregnancy, Jayden’s dad would often say that I wasn’t the same person anymore. Admittedly, I wasn’t and haven’t been since… when life is growing inside of you & you realize the huge responsibility of parenting and the miraculous blessing that God has given you in carrying, birthing, and raising a child, it’s unimaginable that one would not change.

Still a work in progress but I also know that my walk with Christ has changed me. Things don’t bother me or consume me like they used to. I don’t have to cuss folk out or prove myself to anyone (but do not get it twisted because I still know how to put somebody in their place). When people are telling lies about me, I just keep telling the truth about them. I don’t perseverate on things I have no control of. I don’t concern myself with people who are not concerned about me. I pray for them & keep it moving. I cannot control other folk, I can only control my response to their behaviors. I am quick to dismiss people, even without explanation. I do as my Grandma used to say, “feed them with a long handle spoon.” Building a stronger relationship with Christ has certainly brought about positive changes in my life… I got peace y’all and if you know like I know, ain’t nothing like PEACE (“And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:7)

I’m only 32 years old & in comparison to so many other folk, I probably haven’t been through anything in my life. But the things that I have gone through have changed me & molded me into the person that I am today. If I had never been heartbroken, I probably wouldn’t love so hard. If I had never lost someone I deeply love, I probably wouldn’t appreciate life. If I had never been hurt, I probably wouldn’t be strong. If I never had to shed some tears, I probably wouldn’t appreciate joy (joy is on the inside and can’t nobody take that from you). Maya Angelou says, “We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty.”

There have been situations in my life, too personal to mention in this blog, that I know that I know that I know that it wasn’t nobody but God who brought me through. I believe that it is absolutely impossible to experience a true encounter with God and remain unchanged. “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.” 2 Corinthians 5:17

Often times when we change, people want to remind us of who we used to be; how we used to behave & things we used to do and all the mistakes we've made in life. People want to talk about change in a negative way. They always got something smart to say about who they think we’ve become or how we must think we are all that now. Good thing I LOVE HATERS… just lets me know that I’m doing something right ;)

I know I’ve been changed & I thank God for the work that He is doing in me every day. I may just be a lump of coal… but one day, I’m gonna be a diamond.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Who's Your Daddy?

My father has never been active or even present in my life. His absence has never been a constant thought or concern that plagued my mind because truth is, it's hard to miss something I've never had. Besides, I was raised by two parents... a great mother and an extraordinary Grandma.

I have a Soror who's dad adores her. I can tell by how he posts embarrassing childhood pictures on Facebook & posts messages on her wall about how much he loves her. Last summer, my Pastor contributed a beautiful article to the church newsletter about his love for his daughter as she was preparing to "leave the nest" and wed her fiance'. One of the reasons I remember falling in love with my son's dad is because I was so impressed by his relationship & interactions with his daughter. And I watch my brother in law with his 3 girls & am so thankful that my neices have such an awesome dad who gives them such unconditional & immeasurable love. He would literally walk through fire just to wish them well. There is something so special & beautiful about a relationship between a father and his daughter.

My mom's husband (who is deceased) and I never had a really good relationship either. But growing up, I was a major tomboy and played basketball in my neighborhood every single day. I will never forget, there was this one particular day that he put on his sneakers (a man who only wore cowboy boots)& went outside to the basketball court & actually played basketball with me. In that one moment, for about 30 minutes of my young life, I felt like his daughter or like I had a dad.

I've played in numerous basketball games & my dad has never witnessed my 3 point shot. I've graduated from 5th grade, high school, college and will again graduate with my Master's degree but he's never seen me in a cap and gown. He's not around to watch my son grow from a boy to a man just as he wasn't around to watch me grow from a girl to a woman. When I get married, he won't be there to walk me down the aisle. I realize that it is all his loss and instead of feeling sorry for myself, I feel sorry for him.

I write this blog today because Sunday is Father's Day. Despite the fact that I've never been able to celebrate this day with or for my biological father, I give all praise, glory, honor and thanks to my Heavenly Father who has always provided, always protected, & always given me unconditional love. He's been present at every basketball game & graduation, watched & assisted me in growing from a girl to a woman, gives me guidance on raising my son from a boy to a man, and when I get married, He will be there to walk me down the aisle. I may not "know" my biological dad well or have a relationship with him but what a blessing to know and have a relationship with my Heavenly Father!

I AM my daddy's girl... Who's your Daddy??!!

Monday, May 30, 2011

What Time Is It?

There are 24 hours in each day. The average adult sleeps 7-8.5 hours per day which brings us down to 15.5 hours remaining in the day. Without the option to work from home, many of us travel to and from work, even dropping off and picking up children from daycare and/or school along the way. Travel varies from person to person but lets just say we each spend a total of 1 hour driving to and from our destinations each day. Depending on our given professions, we work anywhere from 8-12 hours per day. So for the people working 8 hours each day, after sleeping, driving to and from our destinations, and working, there are 6.5 hours of the day remaining.

If you're like me, you spend an hour to an hour and a half at the gym 3-5 days per week and an hour and a half every Sunday at church. Between extra curricular activities (yours and your children), helping with homework, putting to bed, playtime (depending on the child's age), it's difficult to actually calculate the time we spend with and invest into our children. Not to mention the time spent cooking, cleaning, and simply organizing & preparing for each day. And again if you're like me & enrolled in school, attending classes & completing assignments commands a great deal of time as well.

It often seems as if there's never enough time in the day to get everything done. I end up staying awake late at night completing documentation for work, folding laundry, or finishing some miscellaneous task that didn't get done earlier in the day. I always wish there was more time to enjoy my family/friends, more time to volunteer for causes close to my heart & give back to the community, more time to read good books, write poetry, laugh, & relax.

Every 2-3 months, I find myself re-evaluating how I spend my time, what things & people aren't worthy of my time, and who & what deserves more of my time.

My son and I pray together every morning & night but one thing I realize is that I don't give as much time as I should to studying God's word. I used to attend Bible Study regularly, read from a devotional every morning, and spent my nights reading the the Word but lately, I have been shamefully slack. I need to be held accountable in that area because it's just as important if not even more important than everything else that consumes my time.

We only have 24 hours in a day & the truth is that we never know when those days will end. Life is too short to be concerned with people who don't matter or worrying about situations beyond our control. Make the most of your time while you can. Cherish the special times with loved ones, enjoy all that life has to offer, and make sure to spend time with God now if you're praying to spend an eternity with Him later.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Gotta Love the Kids

For the past 11 years, I have worked with children in the mental health field as a Group Home Supervisor, Associate Professional, Qualified Professional, Residential Counselor, Foster Care Coordinator and Case Manager. My work is truly fulfilling but can be very stressful & draining. I love my children as well as the parents and foster parents that I supervise. Ordinarily, I don't cry easy but there have been situations when it comes to my children that have caused me to break down in tears both privately & publically. As embarassing as it may have seemed at the time, I have broken down in tears in treatment team meetings simply unable to contain myself because it is so difficult to work with these children and not become emotionally involved on some human level.

As many of you know, I am currently in graduate school & will receive my Masters of Education hopeful to make a slight career change. Not for any lack of love for what I do but simply because I believe God wants to use me in another capacity to influence the lives of young people.

I haven't shared any of my poetry on this blog yet so I thought I'd share this poem that I wrote years ago for my children. As cliche' as it sounds, the children are indeed our future so please continue to encourage & pray for them.

A Social Worker's Dilemma

every day kids come into our office
wearing sad faces
carrying wounded hearts
fighting hard to hide emotion
not realizing that they're not trapped
but entangled into a web of confusion
hindering the release from the imprisonment of their minds

and then some come
bearing their souls
praying that we'll be the one to rescue them
from this never ending cycle of hopelessness
some believing they don't owe themselves anything
some believeing that we owe them everything

and here we sit
behind wooden desks and bachelor degrees
restricted by "codes of ethics"
worker/client boundaries
and laws written by some person who obviously
has never seen a child's face light up
when they walk into the room

we are made to assign them case numbers
as if they aren't people
and when their 18th birthday arrives
we feed them to the sharks
expecting them to survive in a world unknown
because for years, every important decision has been made for them
almost like saying since they don't "belong" to anyone
they don't have a voice?

we are not allowed to give hugs
or show love
our job is to keep records
make referrals
care but not too much
help but not get too involved

we spend hours reading 3 inch binders detailing their lives
we're given pagers and cell phones to be accessible at all times
because if they need to cry
we should listen
but not comfort
because that's crossing lines

wanting so desperately to give them everything
not out of pity
but because they deserve it
instead, we become bystanders
of preventable train wrecks
then wonder how these kids got off track

I'm not saying that there's something wrong with being a professional
nor do I have a problem doing my job
I'm just saying that these kids have been through enough already

they're longing for the arms of ten thousand mothers to surround them
they're longing to hold the hand of someone they can call daddy
no family to provide support
no friends to turn to
they give us so much hope
and in their eyes, we may be their only hope

I'm not saying there's something wrong with being a professional
nor do I have a problem doing my job
I'm just saying that these kids have been through enough already

I guess I just want to know
at the end of the day
when their file is stored away in some locked cabinet
and we aren't there to give them some sort of assessment
or drive them to school
if not us...

WHO will love these kids?

Itisha Morgan
29 April 2004

Friday, April 22, 2011

A Star is Born...

To God be the glory for all the marvelous and wonderful things He has done! I cannot begin this day, or any other day, without first acknowledging the Creator and giving Him praise & honor for waking me up this morning!!!!

On a beautiful Sunday evening, April 22nd, 32 years ago, A STAR WAS BORN. As my mother recalls, I was almost delivered in my Grandma's car which means I was ready to get up out of there LOL So as you can gather, from day one I was FOCUSED & DETERMINED.

*singing* Its my burfday, its my burfday, its my burfday :)

I know it's a general rule that ladies don't reveal their age. However, I have come to understand & appreciate the fact that there are some folk who don't live to see their 32nd birthday so I don't mind sharing the goodness of God's favor and blessings over my life.

I can't say enough how grateful I am to just BE. I know that God is doing a great work in me. I appreciate all the love, support, prayers, and encouragement that so many of you offer. Some things only get better with age -- surely I am one of them ;). In my 20's I had no idea what I wanted in life (although I thought I did) so I'm especially grateful that God allowed me to make it to my 30's because it wasn't until then that I believe I truly began to LIVE. At this moment, I believe myself to be the healthiest (mentally, emotionally, spiritually) & happiest I've been in my adult life! I'm absolutely loving this skin that I'm in, confident & certain that I am exactly where God wants me to be, and filled with great excitement about what the future holds. My faith grows stronger each day. There is a peace that I can't explain & a joy deep on the inside that I know only comes from my Heavenly Father. I pray that I am always learning, always growing, and most importantly always about my Father's business.

My phone began ringing & beeping with text messages, BBMs, and emails last night at 11:45pm -- Thanks so much to everyone who poured a little sunshine into my special day ;) Tears fill my eyes as I think about the goodness of Jesus and all he's done for me...makes me want to get my shout on this morning, simply realizing that I am absolutely blessed beyond measure. The morning begins now with a 90 minute workout at the gym followed by a few hours of feeding the homeless downtown at Shepherd's Table Soup Kitchen where I love to volunteer :) Already got my hair DID last week, awesome pedicure on yesterday, and scheduled for an hour massage this afternoon. Sushi & cupcakes with some of my girls tonight... it's going to be a WONDERFUL day!!!!!

"When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, "I used everything you gave me." -- Erma Bombeck

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

STILL Standing

There are some things that I want to get off of my chest and I'm going to try to say it as tactfully as I know how...

Every day we all face some type of opposition. The devil is always busy interrupting our day with unnecessary drama & making intricate, deliberate attempts to disrupt our peace. He is fiercely determined & persistent in trying to manipulate us and/or bring us down. Ordinarily, I wouldn't want to give him my attention or even acknowledge his antics but it seems so necessary to make it clear WHO I belong to & to call a spade a spade!

Just as a boxer studies his opponent, devil, I have studied you. I know how you operate. You invite yourself into my home as if you are a welcome guest. You show up at my job trying to jeopardize my productivity & income. I see you working your way into my relationships with family and friends trying to create mistrust & controversy, destroy bonds, & cause distance and separation. I hear you lurking in my mind trying to plant doubt, fear & confusion; wanting me to second guess God's promises and plans (Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future"). I've even seen you present yourself in the lives of the people around me by splitting marriages, closing businesses, & ruining partnerships. I have peeped your game...I'm on to you. And you might want to know that you are fighting a losing battle because I've got someone in my corner who remains UNDEFEATED ("What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? Romans 8:31).

You may have thought that I was down for the count but I was just on my knees in prayer. You may have thought that you had my face buried in the sand but I was just hidden in the Word of God. You may have thought that I was a punk for not fighting back but I already knew that the battle wasn't mine. You may have thought that the tears you saw streaming from my face were a sign of weakness but truth be told, those tears are a sign of my strength. I am a Warrior; a Champion; a Conqueror (Romans 8:37 "In all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us").

You insist on attacking me on every side especially when I made a conscious decision to be all about my Father's business ("You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world" 1 John 4:4). I get that's just what you do. I know that you want my life. For as long as there is breath in my body, I know that you will continue to try to destroy who I am & try to prevent me from becoming who God has destined me to become. You will continue to assassinate my character, work forcefully to kill my spirit and steal my joy.

The funny thing is that everything you mean for my bad, God turns it around for my good. Your attacks only make me WISER, BETTER, & STRONGER! Most importantly, my faith is not wavered. So I'm prompted to bring to your awareness as reflected in the history of our encounters, that at the end of the day...when all is said and done...when the dust settles and the smoke clears... and even when the doo doo (yeah I said it) hits the fan, I'm STILL standing strong!!!

PSA: I ain't the one you wanna mess with!!!!! ;)

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Webster's Dictionary defines connections as the act of connecting; the state of being connected; causal or logical relation or sequence. Contextual relation or association; relationship in fact. A relation of personal intimacy, coherence, continuity; a link...

We all have connections to other people. Some connections are in fact deeper than others. Our connections exist for many reasons whether by blood relation, marriage, mutual friends, employment, church, school, Greek life, etc. We use these connections to advance ourselves whether for the purpose of obtaining employment, having our name added on to the VIP list at the club, or receiving a discount at our favorite store. We always seem to know just who to call for "the hook up" which is what we consider... networking :)

Sometimes, we get the big head about our connections. We think that certain associations guarantee us respect, rewards, and recognition. We believe that our connections entitle us to certain privileges. Some of us become entirely too arrogant & boastful about who we know, how close we are to who we know, and how long we've known them. We become so proud of our connections because it provides us with a status, makes us feel important and dare I say it -- some of us even feel that our connections make us better than others.

We invest so much time, energy and resources into our horizontal connections that we often times neglect our vertical connection. It doesn't matter if Oprah is our neighbor, or if Rachael Ray has personally cooked & served us a meal in our very own kitchen, or if President Obama himself is our homeboy...If we are NOT connected to the most high, all other connections are void/invalid. John 14:6 says, Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." Now that's what I call a connection!

I value my connections. I understand why being connected is important. More than anything, I am grateful for my connection to a higher power. I don't need Facebook or email to be connected to God. Sprint nor Verizon are necessary to connect me to Him because even when the power lines are down, our connection is still current. I don't have to be in a certain place at a certain time to meet or mingle with the right people because I'm always connected to the RIGHT ONE! He's my connection to that job I want, He's my connection to that home loan that I need. He's got a VIP list called the book of life & that's where I want my name to be written because the Psalmist says that everyone that shall be found written in this book shall awake to everlasting life.

With all of that being said, it is good to be connected to others & I take nothing from that. I simply hope that we remember that our focus and primary concentration should first be on our connection to Christ. If you really want to brag about who you know, how close you are, how you know who you know, and how long you've known them then it may be wise to get connected to the one who has ALL the connections ;)

I GOT CONNECTIONS! Who's in your network?!

Monday, February 14, 2011

I'm in Love... Under New Management

"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres." 1 Corinthians 13:4-7

I am so in love ya'll... I can hardly contain myself!!! What better time to share the details & joy of this great union than on Valentine's Day. I've known him for a long time but in the last few years, our relationship has grown deeper & much more intimate. He's so loving, compassionate, and giving. Its hard to even comprehend the sacrifice that he has made for me. He knows everything about me yet accepts me just as I am... flaws, imperfections & all. Even at my worst, he sees the very best in me. I thought I knew love before but I was just kidding myself. This love is on a higher level... its the greatest love of all. I never knew that love could truly be unconditional until him. He's my first thought in the morning & my last thought at night... I can't help but to think about him even throughout my day. When I need him, he's there without fail or hesitation. Talk about "ride or die" -- come hell or high water, he has my back! I trust in him completely. If I'm feeling down, he wraps me in his loving arms and comforts me like nobody else can, like nobody else ever has. When I do wrong, he forgives me without throwing it back in my face but instead helps me to become a better me. Even those times when I didn't/don't love myself, he loves me. He's better to me than I ever am or have been to myself. He treats me like I am the apple of his eye. Ya'll, he truly makes me feel special... I told him that he makes me feel like a million bucks but he told me that I am PRICELESS! Every day he blows my mind!!!! He is the one... I know because he makes me whole. The mere thought of him & his greatness brings an overflow of tears to my eyes. I want to shout it out at the top of my lungs for the world to know! I just can't keep it to myself... Lord, I love you!!!! (Who did you think I was talking about? LOL) God, I thank you!!!! You are Alpha and Omega... the beginning and the end. You are Jehovah Jireh, my provider... Jehovah Shalom, my peace. With you, all things are possible (Matthew 19:26) & nothing is impossible with you (Luke 1:37). Can't nobody hold me like you can, can't nobody love me like you can. Falling in love with you is the best thing that I've ever done. Thank you for loving me. Thank you for keeping me. Thank you for protecting me Lord. If it had not been for the Lord on my side, where would I be? You are my everything. Without you, I am nothing.

With my whole heart Lord, I love you.

Happy Valentine's Day!

Friday, February 11, 2011


It has been a month since my last blog, certainly not for lack of thoughts that I haven't written. I'd actually prepared a blog to send out on last week but wasn't led to press the SEND button... The more I edited the entry & considered its content, the more I realized that the message presented simply served no purpose at this time (but someday). Instead, I believe that it is more necessary to take a moment to fully explain why I write. Ever since I was a little girl, I've loved writing. My Grandma worked at Wake Medical Center and often times brought home green & white lab paper and boy did I enjoy writing stories or scribbling all over that. Twenty years ago (at the age of 11) I began to write poetry which has grown into a fairly large collection. Before blogging per se was even invented, I'd often times write "random thoughts" that I would share with family & close friends. Out of pure boredom last year around this time while being snowed in, was born.

Writing has always been an outlet for me. It's therapeutic. There may be things that I am unable to speak aloud or share verbally but if given a piece of paper & pen, I am capable of expressing every thought & emotion beautifully and clearly. My PRIVATE notebook is a safe haven. It keeps my secrets. It allows me to truly be myself. While I am also allowed to express myself honestly on this blog, I am careful about what I release publicly which is why last week's entry was not distributed.

Many times I may write not about myself & my own experiences but about the experiences others have shared with me. While writing is indeed therapeutic, I realize that my poetry & writing is able to bless others. I cannot count how many times I've written on this blog or shared a poem through email to have someone reply about how much they love it, how it fits into their current situation, how it's a perspective that they hadn't considered, how it brought a smile to their face or tears to their eyes, and/or brightened their otherwise gloomy day. It does my heart well to know that I made a positive contribution to someone's day... a meaningful deposit into someone's life.

Understand that it is always with much thoughtfulness & care that any of my thoughts/writings are shared. We sometimes underestimate the power of our words. It is said that words don't hurt but the truth is that words do many things... words hate, words love, words do in fact hurt -- whether we admit it or not. It is never my intention to be hurtful to anyone in my writings but it is always my intention to be truthful. I appreciate those of you who actually take the time to read my writings. Know that I am not at all offended if the time is not taken to do so.

I write because as crazy as it sounds, I love how words look on paper. I love how words are clustered together to form something clever or different. I write because its an easier way to come face to face with pain but there's also something beautiful about how the story is written. Writing makes me happy! I write because it is so liberating, honest, & raw. It helps bring me back to the very essence of who I am. I write to inspire. To encourage. To expose. To uplift. To give God glory and praise. It is a gift... a gift that I am blessed to share with others & I appreciate your allowing me to share this gift with you.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

What About Your Friends?!

It's natural that when experiencing difficulty in our lives, we turn to the people we may consider friends for a shoulder to lean on and/or a set of listening ears. It is the expectation that friends are honest (if seeking advice) but many times, its not advice that is being saught but more so a sounding board.

When friends come to me with their issues & concerns, heavily burdened with life's troubles, I do my best to make sure that I listen first & talk last, express concern and care with the words & tone that I use while being honest & showing compassion for their situation, always demonstrating love & support regardless of my personal opinions/thoughts. But most importantly, I remind them of the power of prayer & redirect them to consult with a Higher Power. I am ever mindful of the fact that sharing such an intimate part of their lives is not a requirement of our friendship yet I respect & honor that they trusted me enough to do so and wouldn't want to lose that trust.

With that being said, it's so important that we are careful in whom we seek counsel. Everyone is not a friend. Everyone does not have our best interests at heart. People will tell you to leave your marriage, end a relationship, quit a job or give directives that they themselves would not follow if given the same situation. People want to know all of your "stuff" while remaining secretive about their own. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that people can't be trusted. Nor am I saying don't have friends. What I am saying is that it's important to be careful about what details of your lives are shared with others.

A friend does not poke & pry or is overly concerned about the details of what is wrong in your life but is satisfied with just knowing that whatever the situation is, you are okay. A true friend is someone who allows you to be your most real self. Friends are non-judgmental. They are the people who come in when the rest of the world has gone out. As my niece says, "it's not about who's real in your face, it's about who's real behind your back". The word friend is not a common word that I use to describe people that I associate with but a word I use to describe a deep connection with people that I love & respect & who I believe in my heart have a mutual, genuine concern for me. Proverbs 27:17 says, "As iron sharpens iron,
So a man sharpens the countenance of his friend."

At the end of the day, God is the source of our strength. He needs to be the one that we turn to because He already knows every intricate part of us, loving us unconditionally; as no one on this Earth can.

17 Incline your ear and hear the words of the wise,
And apply your heart to my knowledge;
18 For it is a pleasant thing if you keep them within you;
Let them all be fixed upon your lips,
19 So that your trust may be in the LORD;
Proverbs 22:17-19

It is good to have friends... But is there a greater friend than He?

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