Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Pick Your Battles

Jonah, the 2 year old, is very particular about what he wants to wear. This began last year around his 2nd birthday. Jayden was not like this at 2 years old. Whatever I laid out for him to wear, he put it on with no problems. So initially when this began with Jonah, I was like look dude... you’re going to wear what I said wear because I said so and I’m the Mommy. Well, as our struggles with attire grew each day, I began to realize that I was wasting my time and using unnecessary energy to fight a rather silly battle. Most days Jonah wanted to wear shorts with boots or shorts with Elmo slippers. I decided to allow him to do this during the week since he was just going to the sitter. He may not have been matching and he may have looked as if he were dressed for 2-3 different seasons, but the bottom line was he was dressed and we made it out of the house without either of us having a meltdown. I thought about this yesterday as I found myself expending energy and wasting time trying to fight an unnecessary, silly battle. Here I was going back and forth with someone in text messages throughout the entire day about something that ultimately, doesn’t even concern or bother me. I allowed myself to get all worked up, angry and even throwing jabs. For what? So I had to check myself. I had to remember that I already know the real truth that outsiders don’t see or know. I had to remember my bottom line. And I had to go back to what I know that God has already promised me. Exodus 14:14 came to mind... “The Lord will fight for you, you only need to be still.” When I love, I love hard. So the same is true when I’m in fight mode... I fight hard. Usually my fight is because of something or someone I love. It’s extremely important for me to get my points across with examples and facts to support it. There is passion in my fight. It used to bother me when I felt like someone was winning or getting over on me. I had to make sure people knew that I knew what they were trying to do by calling them to the carpet so to speak. Then I realized how much more fun and interesting it is for others to think I’m stupid and watch them play themselves. Besides, everything doesn’t require my attention or response. I believe that we escalate situations in our lives when we become all bothered and worked up. As the saying goes, “you don’t have to attend every argument you’re invited to”. There are so many battles that I could fight but I choose not to because I know without any doubt that I don’t have anything to prove to anyone. So instead I choose to be still, have peace, pick my battles wisely and allow God to fight for me. I encourage each of you to step back and examine the battles you are currently fighting. Ask yourself 1. what exactly are you fighting for 2. who is the battle benefiting and 3. do you trust God enough to step back and allow Him to fight those battles for you? Reduce your stress by re-evaluating what’s really important. Pick your battles, don’t let your battles pick at you. It’s just that simple.

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