Saturday, September 3, 2016

Transform Your Pain into Power

Jonah, my littlest one (3 years old) has moderate-severe Eczema which mainly effects his knees, elbows, and ankles. We’ve tried every ointment, both over the counter and prescription as well as oral medications to help relieve some of the pain associated with Eczema. Some work for a while but then it appears that his body adjusts and we are then forced to switch to something different. At times, he will insist on simply scratching, even until it bleeds, instead of allowing us to use creams or ointments. It occurred to me one day when he was resisting treatment that he had become used to the pain. And that troubled me in more ways than one. It prompted me to think about how we get used to the pain in our lives. There are situations that I have found myself in as an adult, although painful, I resisted treatment or resolution. The pain had become so repetitive and so familiar that I could anticipate the onset of it’s arrival. Further, I knew how long it would last and even then I knew approximately how much time would span before the cycle repeated itself. In retrospect, it makes no sense why I allowed the pain but my guess is that #1. Sadly, the pain was familiar and expected and some twisted part of me would rather deal with the devil I knew versus the one I didn’t. #2. There was a part of me that simply did not feel worthy of something better. In my prayers, I realized that what I had been asking God for in regard to the remedy for my pain was not His will for my life. I began to pray differently which allowed me to begin to see things differently. Once my vision was clearer and in alignment with God’s vision for me, I could actually feel myself separating from the pain and allowing healing to take place. I read Matthew 11:28 that says, “If you are tired of carrying heavy burdens, come to me and I will give you rest”. I had to question myself and ask why the sense of unworthiness? Which lead me to scriptures like Psalm 139:13-14, John 3:16, Jeremiah 29:11, John 15:16, and one of my favorites Luke 12:6-7 which reads, “ Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God. Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows”. I had to remind myself that I am the daughter of a King which means I AM worthy of all things great & extraordinary. In our most painful and difficult situations, we hold the power to allow pain to either break us or make us. We do not have to become accustomed to pain when God has already given us the remedy through Jesus. Though we may endure for a little while, it is written in Psalm 30:5, “Weeping may endure for a night but rejoicing comes in the morning”. Whether it’s the pain of your physical weight, the pain of an unhealthy relationship, the pain of your financial situation, or the pain of going into a job that you hate every day; please do not become comfortable with and accustomed to your pain. I would much rather accept the pain of attempting change than to suffer the pain of remaining the same. Make your experiences a platform to help others. Share your struggle, share your story with others who may in turn find strength to remove themselves from similar pains. Allow the pain to inspire, motivate, and lead you more into your Divine purpose. I pray today that you recognize your pain as temporary and understand that God’s promises are forever and Amen. Let your pain have purpose. Transform your pain into power. And remember that pain is inevitable but suffering is optional.

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