Thursday, October 27, 2016

Save Yourself

Usually when we see someone drowning it's our natural inclination to try to rescue them. Flailing in the water, screaming, crying... we jump in to grab them before they're swallowed up by the waves and ripples. But have you ever noticed that sometimes people don't really want to be rescued? They'd prefer to stay where they are kicking, screaming and struggling. The closer you get to them, the more unsteady and unbalanced you become. You begin to no longer be able to tread water. All of their splashing covers your clear vision and the loudness of their wailing attempts to drown out God's voice speaking to your life. As harsh as it may sound, before we set out to rescue others, we must first assess the situation to determine the safety risks. We must also acknowledge our own skills and deficits asking "Am I even a good enough swimmer for this?". We must be careful that the hand we grab to pull up doesn't pull us down. Now don't mistake what I'm saying here. I believe in helping others as evident in my current occupation and every day living. However, I have learned that helping others should not come at the expense of myself. Sometimes in certain situations or with certain people, all we can do is stand by and call in reinforcement (God through prayer). Jesus already died on the cross to "save" us. God is the ultimate rescuer. So learn to pray for others and SAVE YOURSELF. No need in 2 people drowning.

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